Mystery still unsolved as far as I can see.
i was wandering about sites and this guy was mentioned as a big % owner in wtbs and watchtower.
there were pictures of him an elderly man with hotel interests.. was i a member of a sect or a business empire of sorts.
Mystery still unsolved as far as I can see.
hi all, anybody any anecdotal or actual idea of how attendance numbers went this year ?.
there are hints that it is well down, but is it ?
and if it is, will the borg stop crowing about the attendance as they always have ?.
Phizzy - I'll be optimistic and suggest that a decline in "interested ones" at the ritual is ultimately inevitable - especially thanks to the org's "own goal" of shutting down so many local KH's.
It's bad for the publishers, but less & less non-JW's will be inclined to travel longer distances to reach a non-event.
NBD - 2014 memorial? Just wait and see what the cult starts suggesting after the next 14 memorials - 2033 could be a significant memorial!!!!
i had the meeting yesterday and there it was announced that there will be a new law passed in spain regarding personal data.
that law makes it compulsory for the wt spanish branch to collect a signed permission from the publishers to keep and utilize personal data.
no choice was given to us, we were just told to make sure we hand in our signed permissions before may 18th.
Just had this point sent to me. It's in the ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REMINDERS APRIL 2018, and says this;
"Secretary: Inform the body of elders if any publisher refuses to complete the consent form."
Refuses? "Shepherds" - shouldn't that be, "Doesn't wish to complete the consent form?"
Can't you see how autocratic your self-proclaimed "theocratic" organization is? Wake up and smell the coffee!
i had the meeting yesterday and there it was announced that there will be a new law passed in spain regarding personal data.
that law makes it compulsory for the wt spanish branch to collect a signed permission from the publishers to keep and utilize personal data.
no choice was given to us, we were just told to make sure we hand in our signed permissions before may 18th.
Note very carefully the necessary language which the org had to use in their INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF PERSONAL DATA letter to elders:
When inviting an individual to complete the consent form, the elder should explain the purpose of the form
An adult publisher might initially refuse to sign the Notice and Consent for Use of Personal Data (S-290) form........ However, the publisher should not feel pressured to sign the form.
"Requesting," "inviting," "consent," & "not feel pressured."
If elders start brow-beating individual/s regarding this, they're asking for trouble. Human Rights are at the core of this.
As I suggested the other day, just say, "I'll take the form and give it some thought."
If approached again, say, "I gave it some
thought and decided that it's not something I'd want to do at
the moment.
If I change my mind, I can get back to you."
a witness can’t celebrate and give gifts on a birthday except on the day they are born.
giving a baby shower is ok as well as gift giving—- but only once!
soooo dumb!.
Official WTBTS Dogma:
"The Bible never refers to a servant of God celebrating a birthday. This is not simply an oversight, for it does record two birthday celebrations by those not serving God. However, both of those events are presented in a bad light." (JW.BORG web site)
What the Bible Really Teaches:
Job's sons celebrated the anniversary of their births.
1:4 - "Each of
his sons would hold a banquet at his house on his own set day. They
would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them."
Job 3:1 - "It was after this that Job began to speak and to curse the day of his birth."
Genesis 40:20 - "Now the third day was Pharʹaoh’s birthday,
Jer. 20:14 - "Cursed be the day I was born!"
In all four verses, the same Hebrew word (yowm) is used to indicate the day of birth.
If we imitate the WTBTS's reasoning, female J.W.'s should heed the following:
"The Bible never refers to a servant of God wearing eye make-up. This is not simply an oversight, for it does record two occasions when eye make-up was worn by those not serving God. However, both of those events are presented in a bad light."
(2 Kings 9:30) When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. So she painted her eyes with black paint....
(Ezekiel 23:40) washed yourself and painted your eyes......
on the "faithful slave's" spirit-directed
wisdom, eye make-up
for women is clearly pagan and should be abhorred just like
2018-03-27-public talk outlines!.
Thanks Atlantis - keep up your excellent work! It's very much appreciated.
w06 12/1 p. 27 par.
11 what it means to love our neighbor - “jesus commissioned his followers to preach and to teach and to “make disciples of people of all the nations.” by our participation in this work, we show love for......... neighbor.”.
by recording the number of hours of “love” shown to neighbours each month in their monthly report slip, aren't jw's in reality doing what christ said not to do?.
w06 12/1 p. 27 par. 11 What It Means to Love Our Neighbor - “Jesus commissioned his followers to preach and to teach and to “make disciples of people of all the nations.” By our participation in this work, we show love for......... neighbor.”
recording the number of hours of “love” shown to
neighbours each month in their Monthly Report slip, aren't JW's in
reality doing what Christ said not to do?
6:1,3,4) “Take care not to practice your
righteousness in front of men to be noticed by them; 3 But
you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know
what your right hand is doing, 4 so that
your gifts of mercy may be in secret. Then your Father
who looks on in secret will repay you.
so, according to wt doctrine, we are brothers, right?
so, if we are all so-called brothers, that we all have one father, right?
if we are just friends of our creator, then we are not brothers.
(Matthew 6:9) “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, . . ."
Or were 2nd Class Christians not to pray this way?
we urgently need to offer "resistance strategy" help to pimos who are likely to be harassed by elders seeking their consent for wtbt$ to leech their data.
what questions could pimos ask elders, that elders would be unable to answer?
(thus buying time, because elder would need to "check with branch").
"It's not something I'd want to do at this time, but if I change my mind, I'll get back to you."
No discussions about the legalities of the matter.
In other words, you're politely saying 'No.' If they try to press the matter, simply say, "I'm sorry brother, I did say 'no,' but I'll get back to you if I change my mind."
Or.............."I'll take the form and give it some thought." Then, if approached again, "I gave it some thought and decided that it's not something I'd want to do at the moment. If I change my mind, I can get back to you."
Nice to see not only a reversal of truths, but a reversal of the tractor!!
I used to love tractors, but not any more. Now, I'm an ex - tractor fan.